Friday, January 21, 2011

Is Cash A Thing of the Past?

Starbucks likes the reputation of being modern and customer friendly. They have free wifi, their drinks have fancy Italian names, and they position their coffee shops in classy places like Barnes and Nobles. They may have outdone themselves with their latest idea though.  Starbucks has announced that you will now be able to pay for your orders in many of their stores with a bar code straight off your smart-phones. They hope this will make those purchases a lot quicker.

Now people can buy those new 31 oz Super Coffees and get cracked out on caffeine in record time. All jokes aside, this really is some interesting technology. An innovative move such as this begs the question, what is next? Will all chains start using technology like this? Soon we may not need wallets or credit cards. Do you think this is for better or worse? Will you be using the Starbucks App?

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