Sunday, January 30, 2011

I hope this ride comes to life

First things first, I need to tell a little story about my childhood. When I was little, the best thing about Spring wasn't the weather or the flowers. Hands down, the best thing about Spring was this carnival that used to come in right down the road from me. To this day I still think about it every time the season comes around. There were five great things about this carnival.

1. The funnel cakes
4. The fact that I knew the owner of the carnival so whenever I wasted money on games I would just talk to him and he'd give me the prize anyway.

Lastly, the BEST thing about this carnival was the fact that I had a best friend named Kyle with severe motion sickness. Kyle would throw up on the Spinning SwingsThe Scrambler, The Gravitron, and basically any ride that spun at a decent speed. The fact that he would be consistently peer pressured (by me) into getting on these rides every year is actually still pretty fricken hilarious now. 

What makes Kyle so important to this post, is this video of concept carnival ride I came across. The video is the a model of a ride invented by Thomas Casey. The video calls it "The Rings of Saturn" I call it, "Kyle's worst nightmare."It's basically two Ferris Wheels that spin in all directions and allows the seats to spin. Every year there is some sweet new ride at some amusement park that is the new" Tallest" or "Fastest" ride. Six Flags and Disney World can have all those roller coasters. I just pray, for the sake of seeing Kyle on it, that this ride gets picked up and dropped off at the carnival near my house.

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