Monday, April 18, 2011

Throw away fire extinguisher

The Japanese are at it again. This product labeled SAT-119 is a throw away fire extinguisher. Apparently it is as simple as throwing a can into a fire and Tadd-Dah! the fire goes away.

The product is made by a Tokyo company called Bonex. It seems that they have portable extinguishers as well as wall extinguishers that can be mounted. The website mentions that as of March 2009 the Tokyo fire department has officially begun using the product in action.

One thing I can't seem to figure out is what is in the pot that the man is throwing into the fire before they throw the can. I am wondering if the fire extinguisher is reliant on that substance. Either way, it's very cool and efficient.

Also, If this thing releases a smoke/dust like that of a Traditional Fire Extinguisher (There is some mature language in the clip but it does deliver a display of a tradition fire extinguisher), it can also be doubled as a great grenade prank. This could potentially help make putting out fires more cost efficient, as well as take the "Antique Prank" to a whole new level. Here's to hoping it makes its way to the U.S.A..

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Paper towels are a thing of the past

This is it! What we have all been praying for late at night has finally been built. Our world as we know it will never be the same again. I introduce to you, the Furukawa Kikou "SWITL", or to me, the spilt condiment picker-upper.

Who would have thought, huh? Just think, now you may be able to spend a large amount of money to buy a machine that picks up your spilt thousand island salad dressing off of your table. This is entrepreneurship at its finest. This machine has a strangle hold on the paper towel market. Who is going to want to spend two dollars on some Bounty when you can whip out this thing?

This is living proof that there is a lot of free time in the world. Furukawa Kikou is a Japanese company and my next wish is that they sell the idea to an American company so we can enjoy late night informercials about it. This is a pretty cool gadget. I wish I had more information on what it is made out of but my research failed. If anyone can read Japanese check Furukawa Kikou and let me know how it works. If you have stock in Kleenex or Brawny its time to pull out.