Sunday, February 27, 2011

The unicycle on steroids.

First the unicycle, then the Segway, now the Solowheel.

The race to create the "greenest" means of transportation is in full swing. Now on top of hoping that the person on the Segway in front of you falls off, you can have double the opportunity with the invention of the Solowheel. The producer, Inventist, calls it the "smallest, greenest, most convenient People Mover ever invented".

The Solowheel reminds me of a robotic skateboard. It weighs in at a whopping 20lbs. It works like a Segway where you control the speed with the angel of your body. It is also battery operated.

The impressive part to me is the fact that it is so small. A disadvantage to the Segway is where do you put it when you need to go in somewhere? As long as you can lift 20lbs, the Solowheel can be carried into the workplace. You just might look a little dumb doing it. The product is another invention that will make so many of us lazier. If you can walk, you should feel a little ashamed using the Solowheel on a daily basis.

Segways have gotten increasingly popular since their release. Even my University's police department uses them. Hopefully for Inventist, the Solowheel catches on. Let's raise our glasses to all battery powered wheels out there.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Super Computer "Watson" makes IBM proud

I blogged a few weeks ago about IBM's brainchild "Watson." IBM developed Watson basically to establish the fact that they have the capability to turn our planet into a real life I, Robot.  In light of my theory, I suggest everyone does anything and everything that IBM wants. Who knows what they are hiding in their labs.

All jokes aside, Watson showed up strong. The computer smoked Jeopardy! champions Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter. The computer displayed its ability to comprehend even the most abstract questions. It really is impressive what IBM constructed.

I do think it was a little unfair in one aspect. There were many questions that these three geniuses obviously knew the answer too. When this was the case it seemed like Watson was always the first to buzz in. You can see the expressions on especially Ken's face when his finger just was not fast enough. If the questions were presented in Scantron format, I think the scores would be much closer. Anyway, IBM deserves some major credit. The experience was pretty cool to witness. Start the clock on the Chinese to respond with something to one up Watson. 1 pt America.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Shave your head in 20 seconds?

In 30 years we will seriously have more free time than we know how to handle.

I came across the most ridiculous video today. I strongly debate whether this is legitimate or not but if it is, I have come to the conclusion that humans have unlimited potential.

The video is pretty self explanatory, it shows a helmet with four razors blades on the inside. If you turn the helmet on, the blades will move and shave your head in about 20 seconds. Did I mention it is also wired with tubes that inject shaving cream during the process?

Judge for yourself, but seriously, where does the hair go?